

Carrier expands apprentice programme for HVAC professionals

Carrier is expanding its apprenticeship programme in the UK, in a move that it says reaffirms its commitment to training highly skilled HVAC professionals and helping to bridge the skills gap in the industry.

Challenging healthcare waste ‘overbilling’ saves GPs almost £3 m

GPs in England have saved almost £3 million on their healthcare waste bills thanks to the intervention of technology provided by leading independent healthcare waste management company, Anenta, the company says.

Calibration specialist acquires contamination control solutions provider

Facility Monitoring Systems (FMS), which provides contamination control solutions, has joined Trescal, ‘a global leader in calibration services’, in what the former describes as ‘a significant milestone’ for it.

New decarbonisation framework agreement to help public sector hit Net Zero goals

Corporate services provider, NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS), has unveiled a £500 m framework agreement designed to help public sector organisations – including the NHS – decarbonise their estates.

CIAT UK calls for Government intervention on IAQ

CIAT has reinforced its call for the new UK government to prioritise indoor air quality (IAQ) in forthcoming legislation, citing findings from a recent Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) event held on the third World Ventilation Day.

Aston University opens new £1.5 m simulation hospital wards for teaching

In one of his first duties since his formal installation at Aston University’s first winter graduation ceremony on 20 January, the University’s new Chancellor, Dr Jason Wouhra, has opened a £1.5 m healthcare teaching facility at the University which includes two interconnecting five-bed wards and an interactive immersive room.

Cygnet to open new women’s mental health facility in Stoke-on-Trent

Cygnet Health Care will open a new women’s mental health facility in Stoke-on-Trent this summer, allowing more women to receive the support they need closer to home.

Launch of new national campaign in Canada to reduce plastics’ use in healthcare

The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care (the Coalition), in collaboration with Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS), is launching a new national awareness initiative to reduce and re-use plastics in healthcare settings, in a three-year project funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

Government unveils ‘realistic timetable’ to ‘put NHP back on track’

The Government has confirmed funding and what it describes as ‘a realistic timetable to put the New Hospital Programme on track to deliver all of its hospital projects’.

Predicting dementia risk from routine eye tests

Data scientists and clinical researchers in Scotland are working with high street opticians for what is reportedly the first time to develop a digital tool that can predict a person’s risk of dementia from a routine eye test.

Showcase your achievements at 2025 DiMH Awards

NHS Trusts, other healthcare providers, and organisations and individuals within the architectural and construction supply chain, have a great opportunity to have their scheme, project, or service-user engagement, recognised and celebrated at this year’s Design in Mental Health Awards, with the ceremony taking place at the end of the first day of the DiMH 2025 conference and exhibition at Manchester Central – 3 June.

SPARK TSL appoints David Hawkins as new Sales director

SPARK TSL has appointed David Hawkins as its new Sales director, to support take-up of the SPARK Fusion infotainment solution by NHS Trusts and Health Boards.

Sectional completion for new wards and gym at Hellesdon Hospital

A multi-million pound project to create ‘state-of-the-art facilities’ to support mental health patients in Norfolk and Suffolk has achieved sectional completion for three new wards and a gym facility.

Willmott Dixon secures place on new NHS SBS estates decarbonisation framework

Willmott Dixon has secured a place on the new NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) Decarbonisation of Estates Framework, which is set to run for four years, and expected to be worth £500 m.

NRC facility will aim to ‘transform rehabilitation in the UK’

Underfloor heating and bedheads in bedrooms are the latest facilities being installed at the UK’s first NHS National Rehabilitation Centre, which will begin receiving patients later this year.

Scotmas secures £2.2 m investment to ‘drive innovation in water disinfection technology’

Scottish Borders-based Scotmas, a specialist in what it describes as ‘environmentally friendly’ water disinfection solutions, has secured £2.2 million in equity funding to support its international expansion plans.

NHS Estates and Finance leads receptive to alternative funding streams

In a recent webinar held jointly by NHS Property Services (NHSPS) and health and social care charity and ‘think tank’ , The King’s Fund, 85 per cent of participating NHS Estates and Finance leads said they would be more likely to attempt to access alternative funding methods following the discussions.

Investor Halton Ventures names first CEO

Krista Halttunen, PhD, has been named the first CEO of Halton Group’s parent company, with the task of developing Halton Ventures into ‘a capable and active owner and investor, as well as an attractive development partner’.

NHS Property Services’ Annual Report reveals cost savings of £71 m

NHS Property Services (NHSPS) says its annual report for 2023/24 demonstrates ‘a strengthening in its refreshed strategy to deliver a better estate, and brilliant service for our customers’.

Cistermiser welcomes DEFRA’s ‘ambitious’ water-saving targets

Water management specialist, Cistermiser, has welcomed what it dubs the ‘ ambitious’ water-saving targets for commercial buildings recently set by DEFRA.

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