
The Chief Executive of the Maudsley Charity, Rebecca Gray, has been appointed as the new Director of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network, and will take up the new role next January.


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The power of art as a communication tool

On the second day of June’s Design in Mental Health 2024 conference in Manchester, Dolly Sen – an artist, author, and activist who uses her lived experience ‘to challenge, poke fun at, and interrogate’ the mental health system – spoke about her experiences of mental healthcare, how mental healthcare settings could be improved, and the importance of...

Tough choices made in picking award-winners

One of the highlights of June’s Design in Mental Health 2024 event in Manchester was an early evening drinks reception and awards ceremony at Manchester Central at the end of the conference and exhibition’s first day. A sizeable gathering of visitors, exhibitor representatives, and personnel from the organisations that had entered this year’s...

Meaningful days in focus at Morpeth MSU

Developed around the concept of a ‘village campus’, Sycamore is a new medium secure facility at the heart of the £60 m redevelopment of Northgate Hospital in Morpeth, Northumberland, which provides a wide variety of indoor and outdoor settings for relaxation and activity, relieving boredom, and addressing the risk of challenging behaviours and poor...

Dignified privacy that keeps service-users safe

Safehinge Primera’s new radar patient safety aid designed for bedrooms and bathrooms, with no blindspots, aims to help save lives and improve the quality of care in mental health. Philip Ross, the company’s CEO, explains the background to, and thinking behind, the co-production and development of what its dubs ‘the first and only ethical patient...

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