
Health sector organisations pledge support for sustainability commitments

The Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) has worked in collaboration with a Cross System Group, comprising key representatives of organisations across the health and care sector, to establish what it describes as ‘significant sustainability commitments’ on behalf of 10 Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs).

The SDU says the health sector in England is the first globally to issue ‘a collective commitment of intent to deliver climate-friendly services and a long-term commitment to sustainability’.

The Arm’s Length Bodies affirming their commitment are Public Health England, the Care Quality Commission, the Department of Health and Social Care, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), NHS England, NHS Improvement, NHS Property Services, CHP, NHS Health Education England, and NHS Digital.

The Sustainable Development Unit said: “Their commitments are underpinned by a plan which supports key targets within the Long Term Plan, with the 10 ALBs jointly stating: ‘As leaders across the health and care sector, we take the responsibility of Sustainable Development seriously as a means of improving health. We support the delivery of the Long-Term Plan commitments, both individually and collectively, to:

  • Reduce carbon, waste, and water across our functions;

  • Reduce single-use plastics;

  • Contribute to improved air quality;

  • Improve health and sustainability by contributing to efficient, effective healthcare, healthier and more sustainable places, thus reducing environmental hazards and our environmental impact

‘We will work together to ensure our organisational and collaborative actions maximise the reach and contribution across the health care system.’

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