
Show van with innovation on tap

Glasgow-based camper-van conversion firm, Caledonian Campers, has undertaken what designer and manufacturer of specialist thermostatic mixing valves, showers, and taps, Horne Engineering, dubs an ‘outstanding bespoke conversion’, to create a special ‘Show Van’, in which it can demonstrate its product range to hospital engineers and facilities management staff, infection prevention and specialist care staff, architects, consulting engineers, and FM providers.

Long wheel-based and high-roofed, the van has standing head-room, and is fitted out with ‘a very comprehensive sample’ of Horne’s current product range of showers, Optitherm medical taps, mixing valves, and the patented ILTDU In-line Thermal Disinfection Unit.

The on-board computer also allows for slide shows of installations, and media presentations, to further illustrate a point or concept. Centrally heated, and with hot and cold liquid refreshments available, the Horne Show Van will tour year-round, and operate, initially, across Scotland. Horne’s original show van is also available on a shared basis across England and Wales.

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