The Design in Mental Health Network is involved – together with infrastructure advisory specialist, Archus, NHS England, and NHS Improvement – in the update of HTM 66, 'Cubicle Curtain Track', which covers design for curtain tracking and rail systems, and is seeking for views and opinions to help shape the new guidance from a wide range of informed stakeholders.
DiMHN chair, Jenny Gill, said: “In order to inform the development of the document, we would be pleased to hear from all those with any involvement in curtain rails and tracking in the mental health environment, including:
- Clinicians;
- Patients;
- Support personnel (FM / Estates / Housekeeping);
- Manufacturers and designers;
- Installers.”
She added: “We are also working on the production of a new title, provisionally called ‘Improving patient safety in Mental Healthcare Environments – reducing risk of self-harm from ligature points’. If you have an interest or an opinion in either of these topics, please email me in the first instance, at:”