
New Hospital Programme publishes Supplier Guide

A new ‘Supplier Guide’ which will be updated regularly as the New Hospital Programme progresses, highlights what those managing the programme say ‘is important to us and, what will be required from our supply chain’ was published on 14 April.

The Department of Health & Social Care and NHSE/I said: “We want suppliers to get involved now, adding their expertise to ours, and realising the opportunities for the biggest hospital building programme in a generation. To realise the Programme’s ambition, we will call upon the skills and expertise of companies of all sizes, across a broad range of sectors. To help businesses understand more about the programme, we are sharing our new Supplier Guide (https://qrco.de/bckONe) with the market.” 

NHSE/ I and the DHSC say the Guide is ‘aligned’ to the Government’s Construction Playbook, adding: “The NHP will continue to develop and deliver supplier guidance across a range of accessible mechanisms to inform stakeholders of our strategic goals, provide greater transparency of opportunities, and engage suppliers from across the UK and throughout the supply ecosystem.” Organisations keen to get involved in Programme can also view the latest information on upcoming and awarded NHP opportunities, and sign up to a market engagement survey to stay informed of future updates and opportunities via the NHP’s Commercial Pipeline. (see https://qrco.de/bcj5Qc)

IHEEM CEO, Pete Sellars, said: “The Institute is working closely with the New Hospital Programme team to help them connect with our members and affiliate companies as the important agenda develops.”  



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