
Boosting staff safety and security at St George’s

Allan Aikman, Product (Design) manager at Pinpoint, a specialist provider of staff personal alarm systems, describes how the company provided ‘a 100 per cent reliable, easy-to-use’ such system for St George’s Hospital, the main treatment centre for acute mental health issues in South Staffordshire.

Pinpoint develops manufactures, installs, and maintains, staff safety systems to protect staff at risk of harm in the workplace. A family-run business established in 1992, the company produces high-performance alarm systems that enable staff to call for assistance in case of an emergency. Using intelligent infrared capabilities, its staff attack system pinpoints and relays the exact location of a call in 85 milliseconds. Pinpoint’s advanced technology plays a significant part in protecting staff working in mental healthcare facilities, where the risk of patient violence is raised. In such settings, our personal alarm systems have proven invaluable in providing safety and support to healthcare professionals when they need it most. 

St George’s Hospital

St George’s Hospital is the main treatment centre for acute mental health issues in South Staffordshire. A part of Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, the hospital houses 12 inpatient wards, and caters for a large number of outpatient service-users. The hospital’s 400 staff support service-users with a wide range of mental health problems – from young people experiencing the first episodes of psychosis, to offenders with mental health disorders, and elderly patients with severe dementia. 

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