
Trust’s proven success with media solution

A collaboration between Lincoln Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Dutch company, Recornect, has resulted in a new, accessible media and communication solution for seclusion, de-escalation, and other rooms within the Trust’s medium-security units

A long-term collaboration between Lincoln Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Dutch company, Recornect, has resulted in a new, accessible media and communication solution for seclusion, de-escalation, and other rooms within the Trust’s medium-security units. How did this particular collaboration come about, and what makes Recornect’s underlying technology so successful? Remy Vermeer, the company’s Project manager, reports, with input from founder, Erik Kuijpers

Recornect enjoys worldwide renown in the field of psychiatry for our CoWin de-escalation solution, which is being implemented in a growing number of institutions. CoWin (‘Communication Window’) is a touchscreen media wall housed in a virtually indestructible casing, which is built into crisis unit de-escalation rooms. The key advantage of CoWin is that it makes interaction and contact between patients and caregivers or family possible, whether in a personalised digital environment or not. CoWin also runs on a unique software platform GRASP, which offers new, innovative possibilities for patients in mental healthcare ‘crisis’ settings. The options available include viewing photos, listening to music, or playing games, all specially designed to regulate high energy and aggression. The facility’s clinical team decides which services and options should be available to each service-user

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