
Underlining the pressing need for standard testing

A webinar held in mid-April focused on the importance of the DiMHN and BRE’s Informed Choices testing standard as a means of evaluating the effectiveness of a range of products used in mental healthcare settings, and highlighted some of the considerable potential benefits for users. The Network reports.

The field of mental healthcare demands a unique attention to detail, particularly when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of patients. In recognition of this, the Informed Choices testing standard — jointly developed by the Design in Mental Health Network and centre of building science, BRE, and launched in May 2021, has emerged as a pivotal framework for assessing the efficacy of products used in mental health environments. A recent webinar convened a diverse panel of speakers to delve into the significance of this standard, and its implications for stakeholders across the healthcare spectrum. Through a series of thought-provoking questions and insightful responses, the webinar provided a platform for examining the challenges, motivations, and hopes, surrounding standardised testing in mental health settings.

The speakers included:

Through the diverse perspectives offered by each speaker, the webinar underscored the pressing need for standardised testing in mental health environments, and illuminated the potential benefits that the Informed Choices testing standard could bring to stakeholders across the healthcare landscape.

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