
Mental Health Network appoints new Director

The Chief Executive of the Maudsley Charity, Rebecca Gray, has been appointed as the new Director of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network, and will take up the new role next January.

The Mental Health Network represents providers from across the statutory, independent, and third sectors, and works with government, regulators, opinion-formers, the media, and the wider NHS, to promote excellence in mental health services and the importance of good mental health.

Rebecca  Gray succeeds Sean Duggan OBE, who led the network for six years until recently joining Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust as its Chair. She has led Maudsley Charity since 2016, working in partnership with South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London, having joined it from The King’s Fund, and has worked in the health sector since 1997, initially at The Alzheimer’s Society. She previously held senior roles in a number of healthcare regulators. 

Rebecca Gray said: “I am absolutely delighted to have been appointed. The Mental Health network has a history of bringing together the voices of the diverse range of providers on how services can serve and work with communities better, and on what is needed at local, system, and national level to achieve change. I’m really looking forward to working with leaders at all levels, not only to better understand the challenges that get in the way of delivering the best care and support, but importantly to engage with the ideas, new approaches, and partnerships which can help tackle them.”

NHS Confederation Chair Lord Victor Adebowale, said: “This is an exciting appointment for the NHS Confederation and our Mental Health Network. Rebecca comes with an impressive track record, having worked in the health sector for around 25 years, and she is a passionate advocate for people with mental illness. She will provide extra energy and ideas as we continue to make the case both for parity of esteem and for extra investment and focus on mental health and learning disability. With a new government, there is an opportunity to put mental health back up the national agenda and deliver important reforms, such as to the Mental Health Act, which is long overdue. I am delighted to welcome Rebecca to the organisation, and look forward to working with her.”

Sir Norman Lamb, Chair of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, said: “This is a brilliant appointment. I have worked with Rebecca for over four years in my role as Chair of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and have a very high regard for her. She has led the Maudsley Charity with great skill, and constantly demonstrates her strong commitment to mental health. She has been very supportive of our decision to trial a new model of care for mental health. Great news for the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network.” The MHN has grown considerably in recent years to now include all mental health Trusts in membership, as well as a large number of independent and third sector organisations.

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