

Show van with innovation on tap

Glasgow-based camper-van conversion firm, Caledonian Campers, has undertaken what designer and manufacturer of specialist thermostatic mixing valves, showers, and taps, Horne Engineering, dubs an ‘outstanding bespoke conversion’, to create a special ‘Show Van’, in which it can demonstrate its product range to hospital engineers and facilities management staff, infection prevention and specialist care staff, architects, consulting engineers, and FM providers.

Uniform product testing guidance on schedule

The Design in Mental Health Network’s Innovation & Testing Workstream says that following last summer’s workshops for estates and facilities, design personnel, and manufacturers, followup such events for clinical staff held in the past 3-4 months have provided further valuable feedback towards the DiMHN’s and BRE’s joint development of formal guidance for testing of some of the most widely used products in mental healthcare settings.

A positive impact ‘on the other side of the world’

Matt Tebbatt, managing director of Midlands-headquartered multidisciplinary building design company, One Creative Environments (One), discusses the company’s work designing the Falklands Islands’ first ever purpose-built Vulnerable Extra Care Facility. Alongside this, One also designed the first phase of the redevelopment of the Islands’ only acute hospital.

Detection challenges in mental health facilities

Paul Pope, head of System Integration and Technical Support at Apollo Fire Detectors, highlights the challenges associated with fire detection in mental health facilities, and explains how the latest detection technology is helping to overcome them.

Secure door specialist aiming at new markets

Bedfordshire-based Stafford Bridge is best-known as a supplier of high security blast and ballistic-resistant door and window products.

Committed campaigner to give Coventry keynote

Liberal Democrat MP, Norman Lamb, Minister of State for Care and Support at the Department of Health from September 2012 to May 2015, and a committed campaigner on mental health, will be among the keynote speakers at May’s Design in Mental Health 2019 conference in Coventry.

Taking community learning to the European Parliament

DiMHN director, Russell Hogarth, and Nigel Farnworth, manager of the Creative Communities Group UK, and two community members, recently visited Brussels to spread word of CCGUK’s work and strengthen bonds with key European community learning organisations.

Tuneable luminaire’s first UK mental healthcare use

Designplan Lighting, a ‘pioneer in robust LED lighting’, has recently developed a ‘Tuneable White’ version of its Basilica LED luminaire – designed to help regulate service-users’ circadian rhythms.

Multidisciplinary autism centre ‘akin to a butterfly’

Trudi Beswick, CEO of Caudwell Children, describes the meticulous thought that has gone into the design and construction of the new Caudwell International Children’s Centre.

Toronto facility ‘integrates with urban fabric’

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto was the subject of a presentation, ‘You’ve Changed’, at May’s Design in Mental Health 2018 conference.

Expert care for mothers facing mental ill health

Exeter-based Grainge Architects was last summer appointed to design one of four new Mother & Baby Units commissioned by the NHS in England to allow women needing mental healthcare to stay with their babies while receiving the care they need.

Working toward unified product testing

Philip Ross, a DIMHN Board member who leads the Network’s Testing & Innovation stream, reports on the ongoing joint work by the DIMHN and the Building Research Establishment (BRE) to develop and launch product testing standards for some of the key products used in mental healthcare settings.

A wide-ranging look at the priorities and goals

Giving a keynote speech at Design in Mental Health 2018, NHS England’s national clinical director for Mental Health reported on progress made, and goals yet to be met, on mental health provision in England in line with the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health.

Workstreams’ activities and aims set out in detail

In an opening session at May’s DIMH 2018 conference, leads and members of the DIMHN workstreams outlined the goals of their workstream, and some of the ambitious and potentially far-reaching activities that each is undertaking.

Creativity and innovation in six areas showcased

This year’s Design in Mental Health Awards celebrated excellence in six categories, and saw an impassioned after-dinner speech by Dr Jacqui Dillon, an activist, writer, and speaker, who suffered childhood abuse, and now lectures worldwide on trauma, abuse, psychosis, dissociation, and healing.

Ameticulous approach to maintaining safety

Ensuring that staff using staff attack alarms are well trained, urging mental healthcare providers to better communicate with each other, and encouraging strengthening of guidance and standards.

Helping to make ‘zero suicide’ a feasible goal

Director of award-winning design and manufacturing company Safehinge Primera, Philip Ross, discusses Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust’s goals for a ‘zero suicide rate’ in mental health facilities, and ‘how the role of the built environment and staff training can be part of the solution’.

SLAM’s security challenge metvia ‘proven system’

As the provider of the widest range of NHS mental health services in the UK, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust takes the safety of staff and patients very seriously.

Design interventions must truly aid recovery

A key theme at next month’s Design in Mental Health 2018 event will be the need for more clinical evidence that ‘interventions’ that impact patient space actually aid recovery.

A new chapter for charity founded by Anna Freud

A mental healthcare charity first established almost 70 years ago by Anna Freud is soon to re-locate from various ageing residential properties to a new purpose-built facility.

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